class list (incomplete)
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window controls:
- TCustomControl
- TPegtopScroller
- TPegtopCustomColorWinControl
- TPegtopColorBox
- TPegtopColorGradientBox
- TPegtopColorGradientManager
- TPegtopCustomLink
- TPegtopSlideBar
- TPegtopLabelSlideBar
- TPegtopTrackBar
- TPegtopRangeBar
- TPegtopCustomGradientTrackBar
- TPegtopColorGradientTrackBar
- TPegtopOpacityGradientTrackBar
- TCustomEdit
- TPegtopPasswordEdit
- TPegtopNumEdit
- TPegtopIntEdit
- TPegtopFloatEdit
- TPegtopControlEdit
- TPegtopButtonEdit
- TPegtopItemSwitch
- TCustomComboBox
- TRadioGroup
- TButton
other controls:
- TLabel
- TGraphicControl
- TPegtopProgressBar
- TPegtopThumbnail
- TPegtopCustomDesktopMagnifier
non visual components:
- TComponent
- TPegtopColorDialog
- TPegtopColorGradientDialog
- TPegtopCustomColorGradientList
- TPegtopCustomColorGradientLibrary
- TPegtopColorGradientLibrary
- TPegtopCustomMessageReceiver
- TPegtopMessageReceiver
- TPegtopAlarmSchedule
- TPegtopBroadcast
- TPegtopNetworkTimeSocket
- TPegtopCustomWindowHook
- TPegtopWindowHook
- TPegtopCustomFormHook
- TPegtopFormHook
- TPegtopFormMagnet
- TOpenDialog
- TPegtopCustomFileDialog
- TPegtopOpenDialog
- TPegtopCustomExtendedFileDialog
- TPegtopExtendedOpenDialog
- TPegtopExtendedSaveDialog
- TPegtopGraphicOpenDialog
- TPegtopTextOpenDialog
- TPegtopWaveOpenDialog
- TPegtopColorGradientOpenDialog
- TPegtopColorGradientSaveDialog
- TCustomImageList
other classes:
- TObject
- TPegtopAbstractHash
- TPegtopIntHash
- TPegtopStringHash
- TPegtopMethodHash
- TPersistent
- TPegtopCustomColorGradient
- TCustomMemoryStream
- TPegtopBufferStream
- TPegtopGlobalMemoryStream
- TPegtopMemorySliceStream
Classes in gray italics are part of the VCL (to indicate the base class).
Classes in gray are abstract or not suitable to instanciate.